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Sleep Apnea & Snoring Therapy for Mansfield

Snoring and sleep apnea keep millions of Americans awake every night, and many of them can be found right here in Mansfield. At Mansfield Snore & Sleep Solutions, we do one thing: we help our patients start getting the rest they need.

If your bed partner is constantly complaining about your loud snoring, you believe you might have sleep apnea, or if you already have a diagnosis, Dr. Sandi Hamm is ready to provide you with a conservative and effective treatment: oral appliance therapy. A custom-made oral appliance may be all you need to sleep soundly and wake up full of energy again, and likely, it will be at least partially covered by your medical insurance.

If you’re fed up with constantly feeling exhausted and losing valuable sleep every night, give us a call today, and we’ll help you rest easy before you know it.

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation

Outside view of sleep dental office

Adequate sleep is as essential to the body as food, water, and oxygen, and without it, a person’s quality of life can quickly start to diminish. In addition to chronic exhaustion, many sleep deprived people have issues with memory and concentration as well, making simply getting through the day a major struggle. It can also lead to problems with weight gain and appetite control, both of which can cause severe overall health issues that ultimately prove fatal. And, people who are sleep deprived are also 3X as likely to get into a motor vehicle accident!

How Sleep Apnea Treatment Can Help

Man dozing while driving

For many, sleep deprivation is the result of sleep apnea, and fortunately, this condition is very treatable. With the right kind of care, an apnea patient can easily get the rest they need, helping their mind and body recover as it should.

Better Sleep = Better Health

Man sleeping soundly in bed

It’s no coincidence that those who frequently suffer from sleep deprivation due to sleep apnea also tend to develop serious systemic illnesses. The body uses sleep to heal itself, and without it, it simply breaks down. By helping patients overcome this condition, we’ve been able to improve their overall health, or rather, enable their body to take care of itself properly. The risks of heart disease, cancer, and even dementia all plummet once a person is able to get adequate sleep.

Get Your Energy Back

Father and daugther playing

Enjoying life and accomplishing your goals both require energy, and nothing zaps energy like sleep apnea. Just getting out of bed can feel like a huge task, let alone doing something productive. Many of our patients tell us they feel decades younger after receiving their treatment. This is how they always should have felt, and our treatment has simply restored balance to their body by enabling it to sleep.

Improve Your Relationships

Woman running outdoors

Sleep deprivation can make it nearly impossible for someone to regulate their emotions, which can lead to outbursts that strain both personal and professional relationships. We’ve had many patients tell us that getting their sleep apnea under control quickly made them a better parent, employee, and friend.

How to Get Started

Man and woman sleeping soundly in bed

If you’re ready to stop snoring and finally treat your sleep apnea, Dr. Hamm and her team at Mansfield Snore & Sleep Solutions will help you do it. To get started, we invite you to schedule a FREE consultation.